What is a Tideland Report and Why Do Title Agencies Need It?
When navigating the world of real estate transactions, title agencies play a crucial role in ensuring that properties are free from legal disputes and that all the necessary documents are in order. One essential component of the title review process, especially for properties located near water, is the Tideland Report. This report is vital in determining the legal status of land along tidal waters, and it provides crucial information that title agencies need to protect both buyers and sellers in real estate transactions.
Certifying Flood Status of Commercial Properties with Multiple Structures
In cases where multiple buildings exist on a property involving a mortgage from an FDIC-backed lender each building should be considered by the flood determination. Here’s how we provide that information.
Confirming Flood Status on the Correct Structure: Why an Address Point Isn’t Enough
It's critical to ensure a flood zone determination is being done on the correct parcel; relying just on an address point doesn’t always work.
How Building Rules Affect Flood Insurance Rating
Building rules, such as Freeboard, or the Inland Flood Protection Rule (IFPR) - an example specific to New Jersey - are building rules that can affect flood insurance policy rates.
The Benefits of Working with WTG’s Certified Floodplain Managers
In many cases, it’s the input and guidance of a CFM that helps clarify or navigate otherwise frustrating, complicated or costly flood zone issues inevitably encountered in your business.
Understanding Risk Rating 2.0: Requirements vs. Rates
The new Risk Rating 2.0 pricing methodology affects flood insurance policy rating, not requirements. Understand the difference.
WTG President to Speak at National Private Lenders Association Conference
WTG's President & COO, Jerry Jones, will join other industry experts on the National Private Lenders Association's leadership panel focused on technology-based services. Join us at the Pitbull Conference in Miami.
Understanding FEMA Flood Zones
When certifying flood insurance requirements, it’s crucial to have clarity on the FEMA Flood Zones. In this post we offer some important base knowledge, a breakdown of the FEMA Flood Zones and what they mean.
Challenging Flood Insurance Requirements of Properties in Zone A
Challenging the flood status of a property in an A Zone by submitting a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) can be considered a little bit of a “gamble” but it is an entirely worthwhile pursuit, often with a positive outcome for the investor.
In fact, we regularly request LOMA’s on A Zones, and often the outcome results in removal from the SFHA.
The Importance of Tidelands Searches for NJ Real Estate
Tideland searches are an essential piece of the real estate settlement process. In many cases, the State of NJ allows individual property owners to buy, rent or lease Riparian Lands, issuing a Tidelands instrument. Understanding if a property is claimed by the NJ DEP is extremely important.
The Difference Made By Expert Support
At WTG we pride ourselves on delivering a superior flood zone determination reports, but also on giving our clients proactive, thorough, and all-around excellent service.
6 Things To Know About Flood Risk
Flood risk is often a confusing topic with rampant myths and misunderstandings. Learn 6 key things about flood risk that will help you understand how to protect yourself, your investment and your home.
The Limitations of Free Flood Resources
In a search for clarity, citizens and industry professionals alike are being drawn to free online resources that are well-meaning but otherwise limited or even flawed. Learn how to get the full, detailed information you need.
How Preliminary Flood Data Can Help You
Preliminary data can be very useful to lenders, agents, investors, builders and other professionals, giving them the opportunity to see how they, or their clients, may be affected by changes to FIRMs within their area of influence.
Flood Mapping and NFIP Extension Included in $1.4 Trillion Spending Deal
Near the end of 2019, the President signed legislation passed by Congress approving a $1.4 trillion spending deal to fund the federal government through the end of September 2020.
The information provided is for informative purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice or a legal opinion. For legal advice, please consult an attorney.
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