About WTG
At WTG, we believe every client deserves the highest quality information and insights they can count on. Let us elevate your business with superior data and expert support.
Products and Services
Flood Determinations
Our Flood Zone Determination Reports are structure-based, and deliver better data, expert insight and insured protection. Available for properties nationwide. Certified and Insured.
Tidelands Searches
Confirm properties where the State of New Jersey holds Riparian (Tidelands) claim on currently and formerly flowed tidal waters. Available for NJ Properties only. Certified and Insured.
Property PEEK
Our most comprehensive and customizeable report, the Property PEEK Deluxe report includes a plethora of data reporting metrics. Available for NJ only. Informational only, not Insured.
Partner Platforms
Industry Certifications and Affiliations
The National Flood Association is a non-profit organization that promotes sound policymaking to support the long-term viability of the National Flood Insurance Program and the private flood market. We deliver high-quality flood zone determinations and education.
As a member of the American Land Title Association, we are a premier service provider committed to delivering comprehensive benefits to the title insurance and settlement services industry. ALTA members value the highest industry standards and provide effective solutions for the industry.
FEMA has minimum floodplain management standards for communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Our Certified Floodplain Managers deliver floodplain management services to high standards, leading to safer, stronger, more resilient communities.

We deliver expert support and guidance from highly-trained industry specialists
Contact Us
(855) 653-5663