WTG President to Speak at National Private Lenders Association Conference

WTG is once again headed to the National Private Lenders Association's annual Pitbull Conference, being held March 26-28 in Miami, FL.

This year WTG's President & COO, Jerry Jones, will join other industry experts on the NPLA's leadership panel focused on technology-based services.

The NPLA’s Pitbull Conference serves as the ultimate resource for Private Lending Professionals and Consultants, and WTG leadership participates each year to share key industry insights regarding flood regulation and risk with Private Lenders.

If you're headed to Pitbull, we hope you'll attend the panel, or stop by to connect with us during the conference.

Our mission is to educate lenders on how flood status and federal requirements can affect their investments, and how we can help them get the utmost clarity on flood insurance requirements on any structure nationwide.

If you’re a private lender, we’d love to hear what questions you have regarding FEMA flood maps and clarification of flood insurance requirements. Please submit your questions here.


Understanding Risk Rating 2.0: Requirements vs. Rates


Understanding FEMA Flood Zones